Why you haven't made any BIG changes or MAJOR progress even though you are doing all "the healing things" ⤵️


I see you out there doing what you can!

You are doing all the journaling and the talk therapy and the meditation and the meet-ups and are following all the gurus on social media. You've done the workbooks and read the books. 

You have even downloaded your Human Design bodygraph and have spent months (if not years) in the HD rabbit hole....

But you still haven't...

...found love
...made your first $10K in your side hustle
...healed that relationship with your mom
...been able to lose the weight
...figured out what those sneaky symptoms are that keep you sad, alone, and in constant pain
...healed the trauma 

Most people think that these things alone are enough for a complete life 180. And sometimes they are ... but what most of the time what your traditional healing tools are missing are A BLUEPRINT on how to get from A to Z.

You see, we are all different and don't heal the same way. Some of us don't remember our childhoods 🙋‍♀️ so require a pivot. While others can't heal unless they create some sort of certainty and safety first.

There are nuances to healing a traumatized brain.

And without the proper framework based on psychology, trauma work, AND your personal energy, you will continue to spin your little legs around that hamster wheel.


Human Design Shadow Work provides the answers that most of us have been searching for ... for YEARS.


And yes ... you can go ahead and download your chart (which you have probably already done) and you can explore the ins and outs of your bodygraph for the next 7 years -- deconditioning your little heart out.


But there is something that even the best HD experts aren't telling you about healing with HD ⤵️

Using Human Design to heal IS potent, efficient, & powerful AF!

But what the Human Design experts aren't telling you (because they don't even know) is that 


✨ if you don't learn how to regulate your nervous system you will continue to struggle following your strategy and authority


✨ your conditioning is NOT limited to your undefined centers (🤦‍♀️)


✨ your strengths and gifts (of your definition) may be hidden below your shadows, limiting beliefs, and conditioning 


✨ Your sabotage patterns are the trauma responses (and yes, those are in the bodygraph too!)


✨ The bodygraph is a spectrum of energy... if you are in the NOT self energy of your definition, you ALWAYS also have access to the true gift of it as well.


✨ Embodying the truth of who you are CANNOT be done by affirming. It cannot be done by ignoring REALITY. You cannot create the life you desire by ignoring the not-self of your current reality.

Say goodbye to anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation


>>  Not recognizing that these 👆"common" symptoms are actually trauma responses keeps you stuck and feeling BROKEN and un-fixable.

>> Frustration, bitterness, anger, and disappointment are all NOT-SELF symptoms of a much larger problem. Abandoning yourself! If you cannot follow those breadcrumbs healing along the way ... you'll continue to be confused about your TRUE self.

>> Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If there is chaos OUT THERE. Then there is something that your inner child is trying to tell you, to help you heal, to work through with you.

It's written all over your BodyGraph.

Can you see it?

Heal your wounds instead of spreading your pain 

and other sayings that are accurate af...


✨ generational trauma continues until someone is brave enough to cut the chains 

✨ your children do WHAT YOU DO not what you say
✨ are you empowering or disempowering others wherever you go?


✨ Hurt people, hurt people. Healed people, heal people (and give less fucks 😉)


✨ The universe rewards those who are brave enough to heal


✨ Bet on yourself or risk staying the same.

I got you.


Human Design Shadow Work creates happy, healthy humans who are sarcastic and funny (the good use of our trauma) 👇




a safe place to dive deep into your shadows, traumas, and nervous system work -- in a way no one else is teaching it (through the lens of Human Design).


Together we are healing the elements of our not-self and stepping boldly into the magic of being our TRUE selves.


2 ways to join ⤵️ 


Here is what you will learn...

Inside the Human Design Shadow Cave, I am going to teach you

✅ how to heal your wounds

✅ break free from your sabotage patterns

✅ make the unconscious (you know, that illusive belief that's been running your life) conscious.

I'm going to show you

👀 what's been holding you back ALL OF THESE YEARS

🚀 and how to shift it 

I'm going to give you

🚨 the REAL process for shadow work & how you can repeat it forever and ever to solve the mystery of your past!

🚨 ALL OF THE potentials for using the BODYGRAPH for healing & to decode your traumas & shadows


There is literally NO OTHER program like this one!

The best part? It's all self paced so there is NO ONE to keep up with and NOTHING holding you back from unlocking your true potential underneath your shadows.




What's inside?! 


I've taken ALL OF MY BEST OF THE BEST classes, workbooks, lessons, sessions and combined them to bring you the ONLY program of it's kind...


Come heal yourself & unlock your potential inside the Human Design Shadow Cave (it's safe here) 👇



Hey! I'm Danna (like wanna) 👋

I'm lovingly (I think) known as

the Shadow Queen 👸🏻


In traditional astrology I am a Scorpio Sun/Aries Moon/Sag rising. 1/3 sacral MG. My specialty is helping you find your deepest subconscious patterns to crack the codes of your true self.

And what I know for sure is that order to create the ultimate life of your dreams full of alignment, cash, joy, and hot ass sex - you HAVE to integrate your shadow parts and heal your wounds.

I've spent 30 years living UNCONSCIOUSLY in survival mode with deep, unhealed complex PTSD. I suffered from relational (small-t trauma) as well as big T trauma from war and huge life changes. (( if you don't know what any of this👆means, don't worry .. I will teach it all to you!) It's why I have very little memory of my first 30 years and NONE of my childhood. 

It has become my life's mission to solve the mystery of my childhood which has turned into a deep exploration in trauma, the mind, psychology, the body, and how Human Design can me it all just a wee bit easier for us.

From all of my work the past 8 years and my personal experience, I have created what is now called HUMAN DESIGN SHADOW

My life's mission has now become helping YOU solve the mysteries of your psyche so that you can unlock your highest potential


THIS program is ALL of my BEST work and I am so excited to share it with you ⤵️




I'm ready to change my life

Sign me up

This is for you if ... 


1️⃣  You've been doing the work: you've done therapy, tried journaling, shadow work, you've  talked to the coaches; you've meditated and manifested. But yet, it doesn't seem like much is shifting within your life, mind, energy.

2️⃣ You've dabbled in Human Design and you KNOW there is more to uncover but you just can't seem to find the depth or know where to look

3️⃣ Your subconscious has been running your life but you can't hear its whispers... you don't know how to solve the mystery of the subconscious so that you can consciously create and heal.

4️⃣ You've been around the block with this healing 'ish and you are ready for a NO BULLSHIT approach that actually works. (And you're willing to put in the time and effort). 

5️⃣ You have very little memory of your childhood (like me) and you are looking for additional resources and approaches to healing that WILL actually work for you.

6️⃣ You know that the way of the future is a deep connection to your intuition & your body (it has all the answers we seek) but your connection to yourself has been severed. You learned that you cannot trust yourself and you REALLY want to rebuild that trust.

7️⃣ You are curious AF to see how Human Design can help crack the codes of your psyche. And you are dying to learn all the nuances that no one else is teaching!

8️⃣ You have some health issues that you KNOW are emotional but haven't been able to release them yet.



Instant access to all the classes, tools, workbooks 👆


These classes are valued at over $1,550 as they include over 10 months of Shadow Stripper School content at $155/mo