WHAT WILL YOUR SHADOW REPORT REVEAL, psychologically? ➡️➡️➡️
✅ your domino (the conditioning factor that will knock all the others down)
✅ the most prevalent trauma response that is holding you back
✅ why your may think you intuition is “broken” and how to fix it
✅ the mask you’ve been wearing, the identities you hold on to — that are NOT actually you
✅ the archetype you play to protect your inner child
✅ some of those deep inner child wounds
✅ the subconscious beliefs that your trauma may have created
✅ the inside scoop on what trauma is and isn’t
✅ your core wound (that’s basically like your biggest life lesson)
✅ potential generational trauma: could you be holding onto these themes, unconsciously??
✅ your shadow genius, creative calling, and potential work in the world… this is based on cracking the code of your core wound
✅ the how, why, and what behind regulating the nervous system
✅ AND HOW TO HEAL IT ALL with a custom deconditioning process
🔥 +++ so much more!!
🤯 why you’re having a hard time following your strategy & authority
🤯 the secret behind your conscious moon gate
🤯 why your unconscious mars is the pattern breaker, healer, and your genius (and what the line reveals)
🤯 the importance of your DEFINITION (single, split, triple, quad?) and why it matters
🤯 how your undefined/open centers rule your identity world in the not-self (and the questions to ask yourself to shift)
🤯 the patterns in your undefined centers that you may be playing out thinking it’s the real you
🤯 your profile lines are the costume of your purpose, but are you in their unhealthy expression wearing a costume or purpose that is not your own?
🤯 the dysfunctional energy of your definition. Why you don't relate to your channels.
🤯 using your root energy to regulate your nervous system based on your design
🤯 how to use your parents' charts to re-wire your brain!
🤯 my process for shadow work, de-conditioning, and healing that takes WAY less than 7 years and is even MORE powerful
Ready to see who the real you is? We do that through making the unconscious conscious (by identifying our blind spots) and doing the shadow work on our conditionings! 👇
The problem with Human Design
is that it offers pretty potentials that often feel impossible to achieve. People then try to force these potentials onto their lives through willpower, which usually falls short. Then we spiral 🌀“Why can’t I just be creative?! My bodygraph says I SHOULD surrender.” This creates more anxiety, fatigue, self-loathing, and self doubt. It actually damages the spirit & further cements subconscious beliefs like “I’m not good enough as I am”.
What the Human Design experts won’t tell you is that the best way to use this system is to actually look at it as a spectrum of energy. Similarly to what Richard Rudd has done with the Gene Keys, Human Design shows us our shadows and potentials as shades of a spectrum.
When you go out and get an HD reading or learn to read yourself (I see you, undefined Ajnas living that PhD life) the chart is often interpreted through only the positive & pretty end of the spectrum.
I have heard many readers and coaches say “We don’t focus on the not-self because we don’t want people to stay there.” YES, BUT, when we deny where we are at currently we in effect DENY OUR WHOLE SELVES causing even more damage and further repressing traumas & their corresponding emotions.
Instead of that self inflected toxicity, we can use the full spectrum of the different elements of the chart to bridge the gap between the not-self and true-self potential to actually heal, grow, prosper, unlock our potentials effortlessly.
What I have done in my years of study, research, and experimentation is I created the shadow report to bridge the gap between who you think you are (not-self) and who you really are (true self) without the toxic self loathing.
This allows for a more compassionate transition from the not-self to the true-self.
THIS is how you unleash your full potential. THIS IS SHADOW LIBERATION. This is dream fulfillment ✨
In the shadow report I take you through the MOST important elements AND show you how to use them in through shadow work & de-conditioning IN 👏 THE👏 MOST 👏 EFFICIENT 👏STRAIGHT 👏 FORWARD 👏 WAY ⤵️
You’re brand new to human design and are so damn intrigued by what it has to offer because you have spent many nights lying awake in your bed thinking “Wtf is life?! And wtf am I even doing? And I cannot believe I said that thing to Steve the other night. I am going to be alone with my cats forever.”
You have been around the block and back with Human Design. Dipping your pedicure-desperate toes in and then pulling them right back out. Because you are fascinated with the system but you just can’t quite relate. The power and potential you see (or have heard about) in your chart feels unattainable.
You’ve had the readings, even hired some coaches, and taken random HD courses. While you love the material (and may even be teaching it) you just can’t seem to embody it. 🤫 … I won’t tell. Following strategy and authority feels so damn hard (I know, you just keep forgetting — blame it on the undefined ajna, it’s fine!)
You are an expert! You love live it, sleep it, and even snort it. Human Design has become life! You are enamored with it and are DYING for some new, fresh info to be able to learn and integrate it in new ways. You’re tired of the basic bitch HD info out there and are looking for a whole new perspective to continue to grow, prosper, and live happily ever after with your hexagram tattoos and framed picture of Ra.
Whether you are a know-it-all or a know-nothing — whether you have followed HD for years or are just learning about it … if you feel stuck, stagnant, alone, depressed, anxious, frustrated, bitter, angry, disappointed, OR all of the above … keep reading👇
What do other people think?!

there is so much to be revealed when you know where to look
Most people spend time studying Human Design because they are deeply uncomfortable with their current selves & their current realities. They fall down the HD rabbit hole hoping, wishing, and praying that THIS WILL BE THE THING that saves them.
Soon they realize that the TRUE SELF they see in their charts is a person they cannot relate to or resonate with. And that’s because they are consistently living in the not-self.
They look for their sabotaging behavior and may even understand their conscious fears… but still it's not enough for lasting change.
Basic Human Design knowledge is just NOT ENOUGH for healing, de-conditioning, and realigning. That’s because it does not take into account TRAUMA.
That’s what I do DIFFERENT & BETTER than other HD coaches and analysts. And it has changed the entire GAME! 👇 👇 👇
Hi, I’m Danna (like wanna) and I have created the Human Design Shadow system to help you understand what subconscious beliefs are running your life so that you can clear, heal, and re-program to live to the potential you’ve seen possible in your bodygraph.
I have helped hundreds of students do just that. I’ve been studying human design for the last 5 years and psychology for 10. I’ve been coaching, mentoring, and teaching on all things self development for the last 8 years. I have published 3 workbooks on Amazon that have sold thousands of copies in 8+ countries!

In this report I will teach you my framework for beginning to uncover the unconscious woundings that direct our lives. And an exact process to rewire your beliefs so you are confident as yourself— no longer trying to validate yourself based on the expectations of others.
People pay me hundreds and hundreds of dollars to show them their blind spots but you can start learning about yours for only $97 below.
In your personalized shadow report, you will get a PLAN (like a meal plan to lose 5 pounds but an energetic plan to lose 5 pounds of energetic weight) to de-condition the STICKIEST places in your bodygraph. Your biggest domino, based on YOUR chart.
YES, there is a hierarchy of conditioning! Stick with me kid, you'll learn all kinds of stuff.
Are you ready to download your OWN customized HDS report so that you can take back control over your life?
Let this report speak for itself, if you want the actual de-conditioning game plan and more in-depth information on your patterns & conditionings, then download your personalized 60+ page shadow report for only $97 👇
It's only $97 right now … 🤯 I usually charge around $300 for similar reports! Cut time, cut energetic weight, and cut ties with the bullshit.

“I downloaded the Free Chart, what’s the difference between that and this paid report?”