Restoring balance through Human Design Shadow Work & Trauma Healing & Brain Re-Wiring
Step into who you were meant to be!
Learn how to differentiate between the conditioned responses that you have been identifying with and the truth of who you actually are.
Let me clear something up for you... you do NOT need to spend the next 7 years de-conditioning in order to find liberation, freedom, and fulfillment in life.
It gets to be easy when you make your mind your ally and not your enemy. The way we do that is by LEARNING, WITNESSING, ACKNOWLEDGING, and CONSCIOUSLY releasing what is not ours.
⭕️ Understand your OPENNESS as the places you took on beliefs, ideas, thoughts, behaviors that were not your own. This is where you amplified your caregivers' thoughts, ideas, beliefs, behaviors. These things need to be released. Not felt into until you are blue in the face but RELEASED.
((OPENNESS: undefined / open centers (for single definitions, triple split definitions, and no definitions). For simple or large splits and quad splits this is your BRIDGES. ))
📈 DEFINITION: this is who you ACTUALLY are. But you may have repressed this genius part of you because of what you thought was true from your openness. We need to do the shadow work on this to liberate your shadow genius!
((DEFINITION: these are your defined centers, defined gates, and defined channels. They are known as your fixed energy. This is everything that we know of that IS you… on a spectrum.))
🙊 Unfortunately when you are operating (making decisions) from the NOT-SELF of your openness, you can’t possibly operate from the TRUE SELF of your definition and create a life beyond your wildest dreams 💭
🔊🔊In the words of HD Daddy Ra, “Most people have never operated from the correct energy of their definition. They have been living from their openness so their definition has never operated properly.” 🤯 have you ever operated as yourself 🤔?
📲 Let me walk you through the process like I have done HUNDREDS of other people. Let me show you exactly what to look at in your openness and your definition to increase your confidence, self love, and fulfillment. You’ve never done the inner work like this. Try it 👇
We do this in the SHADOW REPORT. It is a 75+ page report customized for YOU and your bodygraph. It will walk you through the most crucial elements in your chart and HOW to do the work to
🪩 Embody your true self
🪩 Liberate your shadow genius
🪩 Enjoy your actual life (fulfillment!)
HI, I'm Danna
Around 2015 I went through my first Saturn Return. It was my spiritual awakening. Actually, it was more like ants in your pants, worms up your leg, heat in the belly, smog in the brain sort of physical, emotional, and spiritual awakening.
I was finally forced to deal with the emotional implications of moving to a new country at the age of 8, marrying young, having children early, working a soul draining job, and basically having no clue who I actually was.
Read my story